Engagement and disengagement are two of the most important factors in an employee’s success. Gallup research found that 83% of professionals would like to be involved in a mentoring program. But just 29% of workplaces offer mentoring programs. Mentoring programs are a simple way to help employees gain new skills and enhance their performance in the workplace. They provide support both on and off the job.

As a manager, you can help employees by recognizing their strengths and providing them with guidance to help them grow. Providing opportunities for your employees growth is another way you can increase engagement and reduce turnover. Here are some tips on how to encourage employee growth and engagement.

Encourage Employee Growth and Development

Most managers know that employee retention is one of the top priorities for their department. But it can be difficult to create a workplace environment where employees feel valued and engaged. One of the best ways to build engagement and encourage growth is by encouraging professional development through mentorship. Studies show that mentoring has many benefits for both mentors and mentees. And these benefits can spill over into the organization as a whole. Mentoring programs can help develop the leadership skills of both mentees and mentors, helping them to become better managers and better team members.

Here are just a few of the benefits that organizations can expect from implementing a mentoring program:

Develop Leadership Skills – One of the biggest benefits of the mentoring program is that it helps develop the skills of both mentors and mentees. Developing leadership skills is one of the most important things you can do for your employees and your business. A great way to cultivate leadership abilities is through mentorship. Studies have shown that mentees are better prepared to take on leadership roles when they complete a formal mentoring program.

Develop Business Knowledge – Another great benefit of mentoring programs is that they help develop knowledge about the 9-1-1/PSAP as a career among participants. A recent study showed that businesses that use a mentoring program experience a 75% decrease in staff turnover and a 70% reduction in training costs. Despite the fact that these statistics were gained from the private business industry, they show that investing in your people has a huge payoff in business.

Strengthen Work Relationships – One of the most rewarding things about mentoring is that it strengthens work relationships across the organization. The more your team members feel like they’re part of a team, the more likely they are to stay engaged and motivated. Mentoring is a great way to build camaraderie across teams, other shifts, and an enhanced environment.

Promote Career Development – Research shows that people who participate in formal mentoring programs are more satisfied with their jobs. The mentors and mentees in these programs feel more energized, motivated, and productive at work. They are less likely to leave the company and pursue other opportunities. Many of the most successful people in the corporate world started out as mentees. If you want to be successful in your career, mentoring is a great way for you to gain the experience you need to advance your career.

Reduce Employee Turnover – Another big benefit of mentoring programs is that they help reduce employee turnover. People who participate in mentoring programs are usually more satisfied in their jobs and therefore less likely to look for a new job or leave the company to pursue other opportunities. In addition, employees who are engaged in a mentoring program are more productive and more engaged than employees who aren’t involved. This improves the quality of their work and increases the overall productivity of your PSAP.

Benefits of Formal Mentoring Programs – There are many benefits to using a formal mentoring program in your business.

Here are some of the key benefits of using this type of program:

1) Team building – One of the most important things a mentor can do is to build rapport and trust with their mentees. This helps strengthen the relationships between the teams in the organization and encourages open communication and collaboration.

2) Retention – Research shows a link between mentorship and retention. Employees who are mentored are more likely to stay with the organization for a longer period of time than those who aren’t involved in any mentoring programs.

3) Teamwork – A formal mentoring program gives your employees an opportunity to interact with other members of your organization who share similar goals or interests. It helps team members develop a deeper connection with one another and promotes teamwork and collaboration across the organization.

4) Knowledge sharing – By giving your employees the chance to learn from others with experience or knowledge in different areas of the business, you can help them gain valuable knowledge and develop the skills they need to advance their careers and make a positive contribution to the company.

5) Improved morale – Research shows that employees who participate in a mentoring program are generally more satisfied with their jobs than those who don’t participate. This can lead to increased loyalty and motivation within the team, which ultimately helps boost productivity and improve the overall business climate.

6) Recruitment – Successful mentoring programs can help organizations attract new team members who are attracted to positive workplace environments and high-functioning teams. When people see that your organization has a mentoring system in place, it will give them a better sense of what it’s like to work at the PSAP and better prepare them for what’s to come on their first day of work.

7) Improved communication – The mentor-mentee relationship can go a long way toward improving communication between teams and employees in an organization. Sharing experiences with their mentors can help employees better communicate with one another and build stronger relationships within their respective teams. Mentoring programs can boost morale in the workplace by giving employees the opportunity to interact with and learn from people who have experience in different roles within the organization. Employees also have the opportunity to form closer bonds with each other and develop a sense of belonging to their team and their workplace as a whole.

A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that employees who participated in a mentoring program were significantly more likely to stay at the company for three years or longer. The same study found that participation in a mentoring program was linked to an 18% increase in engagement.  In a public safety environment, increased engagement equates to a better ability to cope with the job stress and take advantage of healthy outlets. By enabling employees to connect with more experienced colleagues and build relationships outside of the PSAP, mentoring programs can increase overall job satisfaction and encourage a greater sense of belonging to the company.

Learning and development – Many people look to mentorship as a way to advance their careers and learn new skills. In fact, more than 70% of people surveyed by Forbes said they wanted access to a mentor to help them with their career plans. Mentors can serve as invaluable sources of information and learning for employees, helping them to identify opportunities at their company and advance in their careers. Many organizations even allow mentees to use the knowledge they’ve gained through their mentoring relationships to apply for promotions and leadership positions within the company.

Better decision-making – Mentorship is an excellent way for employees to improve their decision-making skills. When employees have the chance to learn from people with more experience, they get the chance to gain insights and ideas that can help them make better decisions about their work. This can have a positive impact on their performance and the quality of their work.  Keep in mind that mentoring is not the same as training.  Employees can be involved in a mentoring program while they are still in training and the mentoring continues after training ends.

For example, a mentor can help her mentee identify valuable skills or strengths that he may not have previously considered and help him capitalize on those assets to make himself a more effective employee.

Higher performance – By providing employees with an opportunity to learn from an experienced colleague, a mentoring program can also help them improve their performance at work. When employees have the opportunity to build relationships with more experienced colleagues and receive advice on how they can do their work more effectively, they can become more motivated to perform at their best. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and increased employee productivity in the workplace.

Improved communication – Another benefit of a mentoring program is that it can help improve communication within an organization. Employees who participate in a mentoring program have the opportunity to learn both from their mentors and their mentees. They can learn effective communication techniques from their mentors and see how these techniques can be applied to their own work situations. In addition, the mentoring relationship allows them to share their ideas and insights with their mentees and learn from each other.

Higher job satisfaction – Another potential benefit of mentorship is that it can increase job satisfaction among employees. Mentors provide guidance and support to their employees, which can help them feel more fulfilled and engaged at work. The relationship can also provide them with a sense of purpose and help them develop skills that can be used throughout their careers.

Employee retention – Companies that invest in their workforce by providing opportunities for growth and development often see positive results in terms of employee retention. Studies have shown that employees who are encouraged and supported to grow throughout their careers are more likely to stay with the organization long-term and develop loyalty for their employer.

Nurturing a culture of learning – Mentorship programs can also be beneficial to organizations by helping to establish a culture of learning within the organization. For new employees, this can help them adjust to their new role more quickly and effectively. For more experienced employees, it can provide an opportunity to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and help them identify areas for growth and improvement.

Future leaders – Finally, mentorship can also benefit organizations by preparing future leaders within the organization. By giving newer employees the opportunity to interact with and learn from more experienced employees, companies can encourage the development of valuable leadership skills within their organization.