Technology makes real-time body-worn cameras a REALITY

Software that leverages billions of dollars in Smartphone technology, Equature Armor Body-worn Cameras provide:

  • Live streaming audio and video
  • Automated upload
  • Voice commands
  • Real-time location with GPS replay
  • SMS/MMS recording
  • Unlimited user access

How it Works

Equature’s Armor platform gives real-time connectivity to first responders and dispatch to improve community response and keep field responders safe.

Command & control dispatch recorder system

Interactive Response

Why Agencies Use Body Cameras

In our customers’ words:

  • 1. Body camera video recordings reduce or eliminate (false) citizen complaints
  • 2. With accurate accounts of what happened, officer time in court is slashed
  • 3. Dispatch command center maintains accurate location and situation information on officers at all times in real-time
  • 4. Positive first responder outcomes can be shared with the public enhancing community relationships
  • 3. Dispatch command center maintains accurate location and situation information on officers at all times in real-time
  • 4. Positive first responder outcomes can be shared with the public enhancing community relationships

    see a demo

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