Ever wondered how to tell if someone is lying to you? As a former CIA operative, Andrew Bustamante was extensively trained in detecting deception and understands what it really takes to spot a liar.

In a recent YouTube video, β€œCIA Spy: Leave the USA Before 2030,” Bustamante shared valuable insights that debunk some common myths about how to recognize when someone is being dishonest. Contrary to popular belief, things like avoiding eye contact or exhibiting certain “micro-expressions” are not reliable indicators of deceit.

“It’s not scientifically accurate to just look at eye movements or micro-expressions to determine if someone is lying,” Bustamante stated. “You need to establish a baseline of their normal behavior first before you can assess if they are being deceptive.”

So how can you actually tell if someone is lying? Bustamante reveals that there are marked differences between skilled liars and unskilled ones when it comes to their behavior. Unskilled liars tend to exhibit obvious signs like fidgeting, shifting their body, and an inability to make eye contact in an unnatural way.

Skilled liars, however, are much harder to peg. “They are able to align their body language with their words to create a foundation of trust,” Bustamante explains. A liar who is well-practiced can control their physical cues to appear honest and open.

The real key, according to the former CIA officer, is to observe carefully and question everything. Don’t just take things at face value. Establishing behavioral baselines through careful observation over a long period of time is crucial for determining if someone’s actions are truly out of the ordinary or not when they communicate something dishonest.

Bustamante also cautions against putting too much stock intoBody language alone. “Don’t just rely on eye movements,” he advises. “There are many factors that influence where someone looks when speaking.” Things like cultural influences and vision impairment can affect eye movements and lead to incorrect conclusions if that’s all you focus on.

The bottom line is that spotting deception isn’t as simple as watching for a few non-verbal cues. It requires diligent observation, establishing normal behavioral baselines, and careful questioning over an extended period. As a former CIA operative, Bustamante understands that being a good lie detector is a skill that takes persistent practice, not just the ability to recognize a few common body language myths.

While tricky, detecting lies is a useful skill that Bustamante likens to self-defense – giving you a better chance of protecting yourself from being deceived and manipulated. With the right observational approach, you too can hone your ability to identify dishonesty in everyday situations.