Equature Blog

Challenges Facing 911

Challenges Facing 911

Beyond the regular staffing shortage of applicants, challenges facing 911 today revolve around technology. Specifically speaking for this article, what happens during power outages and network outages? Many PSAPs today have contingency plans in place for when 911 goes...

Are You Really Listening?

Are You Really Listening?

Listening is one of the most important skills in communication. It's the key to understanding what the other person is saying and getting their point of view. But listening can be difficult. We often go off on our own thoughts, and we may not really pay attention to...

Challenges To Effective Employee Training

Challenges To Effective Employee Training

Employee training is essential for the success of any organization. However, the effectiveness of employee training depends on the leadership of the organization. There are many challenges to employee training, including the following: The quality of the training...

Technical Lag in the 911 Center

Technical Lag in the 911 Center

911 centers that cannot afford to update their technology may not be able to identify proper locations and caller information. Technology updates in the business environment are occurring at a faster pace than 911 can keep up leaving consumers to wonder why. Even...

Can therapy dogs help with PTSD?

Can therapy dogs help with PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that can be caused by events like war, sexual assault, or a serious car accident. PTSD can make people feel scared, anxious, and upset even after the event that caused it is over. There are...

911 Dispatcher Burnout

911 Dispatcher Burnout

911 telecommunicators are often the first line of defense in public safety. These brave individuals are constantly faced with terrifying situations, and yet they're often left without the support they need to maintain their mental health. This is...