Equature Blog

Life After Discipline

Life After Discipline

I have never met a person who hasn’t made a mistake.  When I started in public safety I made my fair share of mistakes. Some of the mistakes could be considered serious, others minor, and others humorous.  Starting my career as a teenager, I reacted to my mistakes as...

Leadership Bloop and Comebacks

Leadership Bloop and Comebacks

Remember where you came from!  Bring us candy! Those were the two pieces of advice I received from my former peers when I was promoted up through the ranks to my first supervisor position in the PSAP.  I remember laughing at them and vowing that of course, I would...

Leveraging Free Educational Resources

Leveraging Free Educational Resources

In the demanding world of 911 first responders, staying at the forefront of knowledge and skills is crucial. These dedicated professionals work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of their communities, often facing high-stress situations with unwavering...

The Ripple Effects of Our Daily Choices

The Ripple Effects of Our Daily Choices

You are always one choice away from changing your life.   Marcy Blochowiak is credited with that phrase in Simple Truths but many have written similar phrases.  I think about this from time to time when it pertains to the choices made that led to the public safety...