Make your media workflow faster and more efficient
by automating transcription and video redactions.

A Revolutionary Approach

Introducing Equature Studio – The Ultimate Solution for Audio and Video Redaction and Transcription.

In today’s world, audio and video recordings are essential for many businesses, organizations and government agencies.

However, these recordings often contain sensitive and confidential information that must be protected.

This is where Equature Studio comes in, with its state-of-the-art automated audio and video redaction and transcription capabilities.

Equature Studio provides real-time, automated redaction & transcription of both audio and video to help you remain in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Providing situational awareness to all facets of public safety.

Real-time Location

Real-time location data from the caller's smartphone. Accuracy within 20 feet.

Live Video

Stream live video from the caller's smartphone. Blur video by default or on-demand.

Live Audio

Stream 9-1-1 calls live from within the cruisers.

How does Connect work?


  • Real-time location data from the caller’s smartphone.
  • Accuracy within 20 feet
  • Map and satellite view
  • Zoom in/out functionality


  • Live stream video from the caller’s device
  • Blur video by default
  • Capability to record interactions
  • Works with any smartphone
  • Easily share streams with first responders in the field
  • Stream from multiple devices at once


  • Stream audio directly from the caller’s device
  • Listen to 9-1-1 calls live from within the cruisers
  • Automatically transcribe audio alongside the call

Why Are Video Calls So Much Better than Audio?


Did you know these PSAP stats?

  • 240 million 911 calls are placed each year.
  • 70-80% of 911 calls are placed via cell phone and location information from carriers varies wildly.
  • The chances of 911 dispatch getting a quick fix location ranges from 10-95%.
  • Every year in the United States, 10,120 lives are lost due to inadequate location accuracy in field response.
  • The average U.S. 911 response time takes 10-15 minutes to reach a person in need.
  • Of 6,100+ PSAPS nationwide, only little more than 21% can accurately interpret a caller’s location.
  • The FCC has mandated that by 2021 carriers must improve location accuracy within 50 meters for 80% of cellular 911 calls.
  • That’s still only 4 out of 5!!