Can your PSAP . . .

  • Locate a caller within 20 feet of where they are?
  • See through the caller’s camera?
  • Use live video to eliminate he said, she said?
  • Share live video with field responders?

With Equature InSight, you can.

To see Insight in action watch the 60 second demo

Get the Equature InSight advantage:

Get the Equature
InSight advantage:

  • See what is happening before officers arrive
  • Pinpoint advanced location from caller’s smartphone.
  • Understand the scene with better situational awareness
  • Have visual for officers BEFORE they arrive on scene
  • Eliminate he said / she said mistakes
  • Dispatch faster with accurate scene details.
  • Provide medical advice knowing EXACTLY what is happening with visuals and not relying on he said / she said.
  • Share live scene visuals with everyone at the same time for informed decisions and situational awareness.

What is Equature Insight?

Equature InSight provides technology that equips dispatchers to . . .

  • Locate a caller within 6 meters (20 feet) of where they are
  • Shorten response time
  • Eliminate search time
  • Live stream audio/video from the caller’s smartphone
  • Save 10,120 lives next year
In short, with Equature InSight you can get eyes on the scene to understand the complete situation in real time

Watch this one-minute video to see what the future holds for PSAPS.


  • Real-time GPS location and speed data
  • Live streaming audio/video from caller’s smartphone that enables you to:

  • -Dispatch faster with accurate scene details
  • -See what’s happening before officers arrive
  • -Eliminate he said, she said mistakes
  • -Make informed decisions
  • -Provide informed medical advice
Plus, these top-of-the-line technical features:
  • Browser based = no apps to download
  • NG9-1-1 and FirstNet Ready
  • “Smart Setup” = no configuration
  • Recorded Interactions
  • Secured CJIS Cloud Service
  • Scenario reconstruction
  • Real-time GPS location and speed data
  • Live streaming audio/video from caller’s smartphone enables you to:
  • -Dispatch faster with accurate scene details
  • -See what’s happening before officers arrive
  • -Eliminate he said, she said mistakes
  • -Make informed decisions
  • -Provide informed medical advice
Plus, these top-of-the-line technical features:
  • Browser based = no apps to download
  • NG9-1-1 and FirstNet Ready
  • “Smart Setup” = no configuration
  • Recorded Interactions
  • Secured CJIS Cloud Service
  • Scenario reconstruction
Equature InSight is cost effective for dispatch and security centers, so you never have to go in blind again.

Want to learn more about becoming a 21st century tech-enabled PSAP?


  • Every year in the U.S., 10,120 lives are lost due to inadequate location accuracy in field response.
  • The chances of 911 dispatch getting a quick fix location ranges from 10%-95%.
  • Of 6,100+ PSAPS nationwide, only little more than 21% can accurately interpret a caller’s location.
  • The FCC has mandated that by 2021 carriers must improve location accuracy within 50 meters for 80% of cellular 911 calls, but that’s still only 4 out of 5.




America’s #1 most-trusted public safety software platform reducing call-for-service times while keeping our field responders safe.
We exist to provide real-time tools and interaction to help first responders respond faster and stay safe.

“Any time I place a trouble ticket in the Equature support, it comes back in a timely manner, and support always verifies that it was fixed”

– William Grimm | 911 coordinator Adams County Sheriff Dept., IN

Why are video calls so much better than audio?

Because 55% of the message is non-verbal

Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Rule illustrates why video helps PSAPS and field responders, construct accurate scenarios:

Why are video calls so much better
than audio?

Because 55% of the
message is non-verbal

Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Rule
illustrates why video helps PSAPS
and field responders, construct
accurate scenarios:

Channel effectiveness: how much of the message
is conveyed in each communication element?

HINT: only 7% of communication is imparted with words alone.

Channel effectiveness: how much of the message
is conveyed in each communication element?

HINT: only 7% of communication
is imparted with words alone.


WHAT could you do with EQUATURE INSIGHT?

Equature InSight offers technology that equips dispatchers to locate a caller within 6 meters (20 feet) of where they are.

Equature InSight shortens response time, eliminates wasted time searching, and saves lives.

Gets eyes on the scene to understand the complete situation.

Ready for an educational briefing and demo on InSight?

Schedule a demo here to unlock access to 30 days free.


TurboTax replaced hundred of thousands of accountants. Print newspapers were rendered nearly obsolete by online publications. Amazon forced brick-and-mortar booksellers out of business.

Creative destruction is now disrupting even the dinosaur industries. Virtual doctor visits, blockchain currency, and autonomous vehicles are on the precipice.

911 technology has hardly changed since its emergence 50 years ago, meanwhile, Google Maps knows exactly where you are. Even with the FCC mandate to improve 911 technology by 2021, it’s still not enough. PSAPS will only be able to find callers 80% of the time, leaving 1 out of every 5 lost to chance.

It’s time for PSAPS to come into the 21st century and take the lead in advanced response and safety.

Get ahead of the curve and enjoy all the benefits of being on the forefront with advanced technology now. (Or play catch-up later.)





In 2010 in Cortez, CO, for two minutes, Carol Ouellet’s lungs slowly filled with blood as she tried unsuccessfully to give the 911 dispatcher information. Because the cellphone didn’t include location data, it took the dispatcher two hours to locate Ouellet. By the time responders found her, she was dead. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).


In 2010 in Cortez, CO, for two minutes, Carol Ouellet’s lungs slowly filled with blood as she tried unsuccessfully to give the 911 dispatcher information. Because the cellphone didn’t include location data, it took the dispatcher two hours to locate Ouellet. By the time responders found her, she was dead. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).


In 2006, after his mother collapsed, five-year-old Robert Turner called 911. The dispatcher believed it was a prank call, told him help was on the way, and hung up. After three hours and his mother still unconscious, he called 911 again. This time, a different dispatcher told him that playing games would get him in trouble. Robert got scared and hung up. His mother died. With Equature InSight, the capability to live stream video from the caller’s smartphone would have allowed the dispatcher to understand the scene and make informed decisions.

In 2006, after his mother collapsed, five-year-old Robert Turner called 911. The dispatcher believed it was a prank call, told him help was on the way, and hung up. After three hours and his mother still unconscious, he called 911 again. This time, a different dispatcher told him that playing games would get him in trouble. Robert got scared and hung up. His mother died. With Equature InSight, the capability to live stream video from the caller’s smartphone would have allowed the dispatcher to understand the scene and make informed decisions.


Save lives, gain and keep community trust,
better prepare first responders, and prevent lawsuits.

Save lives, gain and keep community
trust,better prepare first
responders, and prevent lawsuits.


2015 in Milton, GA, Shannell Anderson took a right turn on what she thought was Batesville Road and ended up in a pond.Unable to open the car doors, she called 911 and gave the dispatcher her exact location, but she was talking to the wrong dispatch operation as her phone had connected through the wrong tower to nearby Fulton County. Fire fighters were delayed as emergency teams figured out what happened and while eventually found, Shannell never recovered. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).

In 2018, Kyle Plush was pinned under the third-row folding seat of his minivan in the high school parking lot while trying to retrieve his tennis equipment. He was able to call 911 for help and give the parking lot location. Law enforcement responded and a deputy searched two of many parking lots near the school for 11 minutes and closed the case. Later that night Kyle’s father used a phone locating app to pinpoint Kyle’s location for police who found Kyle asphyxiated from chest compression. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).


In 2018, Kyle Plush was pinned under the third-row folding seat of his minivan in the high school parking lot while trying to retrieve his tennis equipment. He was able to call 911 for help and give the parking lot location. Law enforcement responded and a deputy searched two of many parking lots near the school for 11 minutes and closed the case. Later that night Kyle’s father used a phone locating app to pinpoint Kyle’s location for police who found Kyle asphyxiated from chest compression. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).


In Fort Smith AR, in 2019 Debra Stevens was working her normal newspaper delivery route in Fort Smith, when rising flood waters began to overtake her SUV. Unable to swim she called 911 for a 22-minute call that ended in her drowning death as dispatchers and fire fighters struggled to work through confusion about her location. With Equature InSight, the dispatcher would have pinpointed the caller’s advanced location within 6 meters (20 feet).