Equature Imaging


Document Imaging Services


Equature provides cost-effective solutions for converting paper, microfilm or legacy data into a single usable format. Scanning Service capabilities includes:

  • Searchable repository - stored on any storage media
  • Paper Scanning - from onionskin to card stock
  • Microfiche & Microfilm Scanning - 16mm & 35mm
  • Digital image conversion - to microfilm for long term archiving.
  • Digital to Digital - conversion
  • Large Format - drawing sizes A-E

Benefits of Scanning Your Documents

The benefits of document scanning are different for every organization, but here are a few of the best reasons you should convert your current and back-file documents to digital files.

The Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) surveyed its members to identify the three main reasons for scanning and data capture. The top three were improved search, productivity, and compliance.

Benefits of Scanning Your Microfiche and Microfilm

By converting your microfilm and microfiche to digital files, you will quickly realize the benefits digital images will provide. The 5 benefits of scanning your microfilm and microfiche include the following:

If you plan to scan your own records, Equature is an Authorized Reseller for the full line of Kodak Alaris Document Scanners.

Kodak Alaris Claims Prestigious 2020 Scanner Line of the Year Award from the Analysts at Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab


Equature has been in the Document/Records Management arena for over 25 years and takes great care in ensuring all solutions and deliverables are met to the satisfaction of our clients. Equature’s primary focus is to exceed customer expectations by providing high-quality solutions. We consistently strive to improve the process and maintain the highest levels of security available.

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